Tamaki Group presented the top 7 most popular Asian sauces among Russian brand chefs
Most often, when cooking Asian dishes, chefs use soy sauce. It is completely natural. The composition includes: soy, wheat, water, salt and sugar. The sauce contains a large amount of protein, replaces salt in dishes. "At our factory, soy sauce is made according to ancient Japanese technology by natural fermentation. That is why it is so rich in amino acids and antioxidants and has a pronounced taste," says Andrey Belyanin, CEO of the Tamaki Group of companies.
No less popular among Russian chefs is teriyaki - a traditional Japanese sauce, which contains soy and fish sauces, mirin, garlic and ginger. Teriyaki is made using slow evaporation technology, which helps to preserve the taste qualities of all its ingredients. "The teriyaki that we produce at our factory has no analogues on the market. We do not disclose our recipe. Our sauce is moderately thick, at the same time rich and economical," says Andrey Belyanin.
Brand chefs also like Thai sweet chili sauce. This is a low-calorie sauce with a thick texture. In its manufacture, selected chili peppers and fresh garlic are used, which gives off its aroma when heated. Golden, bright and appetizing are the key characteristics of sweet chili, which can not only become a universal addition to dishes from any products, but also transform them.
Another favorite of Russian brand chefs is unagi. This is one of the main classic sauces of Japanese cuisine. It is prepared on the basis of soy sauce of natural fermentation. The consistency of unagi is so thick that a spoon is literally standing in it, so that it does not drain from the eel. It contains natural soy sauce, sugar, water, mirin sauce and rice vinegar.
Oyster sauce has proven itself well – one of the most popular ingredients in Asian cuisine. It is made according to traditional Chinese technology. The sauce is based on oyster extract, which is carefully and long cooked. Fresh oysters are washed, the fleshy middle is extracted from them and then boiled for three days over low heat. Further, the resulting extract is infused for three months, so that the taste of the sauce turns out rich and voluminous Due to this, the sauce enhances the natural taste of the dish, making it brighter. It is able to repel even the most unpleasant smell of fish. It is quite economical: just a few drops are enough to give the dish an Asian character.
Chefs speak well of tonkatsu, calling it Japanese "ketchup". It is quite complex in composition and manufacturing technology. The production process takes a long time. But the result is worth it, because the output is a rich soy-tomato tonkatsu with a lot of spices. Very juicy because of the rich composition, which also contains tomatoes (pastes), applesauce, tamarind paste, anchovy extract and 10 types of spices. It is not inferior in taste and quality to its Japanese counterpart and has no analogues in Russia.
"We adapt authentic products for the Russian market, while preserving the spirit of Asia in each of them. The work on the recipe lasts more than one month and includes several stages, including tastings with the participation of brand chefs who work in restaurants of Japanese and pan-Asian cuisine. Their recommendations help us to make products better. In addition, thanks to the full production cycle carried out by our company, we conduct strict control of every stage - from grain cultivation to packaging and logistics. This gives us the opportunity to guarantee the high quality of our products and win at "blind tastings", - commented Andrey Belyanin.
The Tamaki Group of Companies was founded in 2009 (approx. - until January 2021 GC "World of Sushi"). It produces more than 20 types of sauces on the Russian market, including for Japanese and Pan-Asian cuisines. The partner network includes more than 300 distributors. Tamaki products are represented in 85 regions of the Russian Federation and CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Armenia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.). The company develops high-tech production, which uses natural high-quality Russian ingredients.
Link to the article: restoranoved.ru
October 18, 2021